Lighting for Design: Final Video Fly-Through
#LightingforDesign #XB2001 #GameDevelopment

Lighting for Design: Final Screenshots
The final screenshots for the environment #LightingforDesign #XB2001 #GameDevelopment

Lighting for Design: Environment Pre Test
Final environment layout with developed environment art. Will next be tested with several people to determine what needs to change....

Lighting for Design: Lighting Test on Chosen Cave Layout
Having decided to go with the second cave design, I decided to think about the way light was used and developed an ability to light up...

Lighting for Design: Test 3
Third cave layout for the brief Lighting for Design #LightingforDesign #XB2001 #GameDevelopment

Lighting for Design: Test 02
Second cave design layout for the brief Lighting for Design. #LightingforDesign #XB2001 #GameDevelopment

Lighting for Design: Test 01
The first cave layout design for the brief Lighting for Design. I plan to try several different cave layouts before deciding on the most...
Lighting for Design: Research 2
Lighting can serve multiple functions in games, from illuminating the scene to guiding the player to serving as a mechanic in the game....
Lighting for Design: Research 1
Information collated from articles written by artists at Pluralsight, Naughty Dog and an indie developer. Lighting & Mood Lighting...