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Audio in Games: Pitch Document

Game Summary

RPG style game based on sound pattern recognition. 8-bit sound game, playing as a hacker to collect sound bites or patterns as keys to unlock areas. Keyboard letters could all have a different musical note, players possibly having to experiment to find which key press matches the note or is given to them the letter the first time they encounter it.

Difficulty would progress as longer patterns occurred and having to remember and identify which note corresponded to which key press. Different levels could have different musical instruments, adding to the challenge of having to remember and restart, for example, an ICT company could have a guitar, and a government building could have a piano. This would keep the player constantly learning.

Game Outline

Gameplay Mechanics:

  • Collect Sound Notes – Pick up audio logs that play the musical notes, these can be collected by picking up recordings which contain them, repeating a pattern that is played to the player or by unlocking other hacks to gain passwords.

  • Decipher Sound to Text – When the player has collected the audio information they must work out which key press it corresponds to, for example, when the player presses the key ‘e’ it plays a specific noise, the player can then work out that is the sound for e in a password, the more they experiment they can decipher that another sound is for ‘a’ and ‘t’, and the password to unlock the door that has been played is ‘eat’.

  • Input Sound Notes – When the player has deciphered the sound to its corresponding key they can enter a computer and input the password by spelling the word.


Week 1: Organise and plan all necessary work.

Week 2: Begin level design and Blueprinting

Week 3: Continue to work on blueprints and playtest

Week 4: Organise work for submission and finalise all blueprints

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