Logo Design Development - Sketch Sheet

Once I had researched into logo styles and game company branding, I decided to start sketching designs for my logo design. I used my Pinterest research to design logos based on typography styles.
My first designs were the ones directly above with Holden being the focus. I felt the type face was very game themed, however I decided to explore more designs. I then worked on a completely different style with a more hand written/script style feel to it. These were the top left sketches. However I didn’t feel these fit the game industry and decided to move on to more classical minimalist styles.
I then started designing based on my initials of HH. I tried several variations on the placement of the letters, shown on the four sheets next to the script type. These were my favourite designs, I feel like they will be good for using as an icon or logo. My favourite designs were the far right and the designs to the left of that sheet, my favourite being the top left on the second sheet from the right.
Going forward I will work with that logo to develop it digitally and will work this design into my business card design.