Logo Design Development

After developing my design, I started playing around with business card designs. My first idea was to try tonal shades of grey to highlight the logo in the centre, however I feel this looks too much like hotel branding.
I then decided to try a minimal design on just a white card, however decided that this felt too bland and not eye catching so decided to continue experimenting.
I then tried using a water colour splash to add some colour to the card, with the intention of possibly being able to change the colours to fit whatever it was being presented with. However, I decided this didn’t feel very games design and so continued experimenting.
I then decided to try experimenting with the use of environments, seeing as environment art is my main focus. I also felt it could be an interesting way to incorporate my name - Heather, with the environment. However, these felt very busy and more photography based instead of game, so decided to try to refocus on simpler branding.
I then decided to try with some block colours and contrast, I liked these designs but felt the were missing something, they were too bland. From this design with ideas of photography from the last card I developed my final design, incorporating an image of a blueprint on top of the grey block from the previous iteration to develop the final design.