Interactive Portfolio Layout Development
I have progressed onto developing designs for the layout of the presentations.
Design One:

The portfolio would be presented on the same image used on my business card. The user would click anywhere on the first screen design to progress onto the next slide, which allows them to select the image they want to view. The image would fill the lower rectangle.
The second screen design allows the user to select the art they would like to view, each picture acting as a button to hyperlink them to the correct slide containing the artwork and description. The logo would serve as a back to the main title screen page.
The third screen design contains the artwork the user selected to view on the contents slide. The image would be presented in the large rectangle above the logo and would contain a small description below describing the artwork. The logo would serve as a button to return the user to the contents slide.
Design Two:

The title screen showcases the logo, which would use a fade in animation to display a large logo on the screen. The user would click anywhere on this screen to progress onto the contents screen.
The contents screen this time would be made using text and descriptions of the artwork instead of duplicating images. I thought this was contrasting design to the previous and allowed me to explore other design opportunities. These would be hyperlinked to the screen containing the artwork.
This would be the screen displaying the artwork. It would be displayed in the polygon to the left of the screen, with a short description in the lower bottom right of the screen. The user would then press anywhere on the screen to return to the contents screen.