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Magic Show Sounds

Having worked with a sound student in the previous year, I asked her to create some music and sound effects for the game. She also helped provide a voice over to narrate the game.

Below is what I requested music/sound effect wise:

1: Background Music

Slow, magical themed music. Dark, slightly sinister sounding and in fitting with a Victorian/gothic style and period. Loopable. (Thieves Adventures 31, Echoes, Thieves Adventure 8, Mysterious Forest 2

2: Voiceover

Anything similar to Jeremy Irons. Deep British voice.

3: Sound Effects List

Wooden chest Locked (rattling against a lock – it being tried to be opened by the lock stopping it)

Chest being opened (creaking open)

Chest being closed (creaking closed, heavy thud at end)

Drawer being opened (Wooden drawer being opened)

Drawer being closed (Wooden drawer being closed)

Magic sound effect (a sound to be used with a wand, not cheesy/happy sounding though)

Item being picked up (Simple click sort of noise)

Item being put down (A top hat being placed down, a rabbit being put down, a wand being put down) (bit heavier sounding than this)

Wood creaks (wooden floorboards and doors creaking open)

Footsteps (footsteps on a wooden floor)

Smoke Poof Noise (For rabbit appearing teleporting in a puff of smoke)


I then also provided a Voice Over script which can be found below:



Time for my show, I’d better find the items I need for it in my cupboard.

Cupboard – Wand Section

I need to find my wand, my hat and my pet Rabbit, Alexander. We’ll start with my wand.

Maybe its in my chest.

Ah, locked. I think I left the key in my drawer.

Aha! There's the key.

My trusty old wand.

Cupboard – Rabbit Section

Next should be Alexander, where did he get to?

My glasses can help me see his footprints, they should be lying around here somewhere.

Now we can see where he’s gone off too.

Hiding under the table, let’s lure him out with a snack.

Ah! Here he is, let’s not go disappearing again Alexander.

Cupboard – Hat Section

Right, onto the hat. I think I hung it up when I got here…

Ah, Alexander must have teleported it with him into the mirror world. A simple trick should solve this.

There we go, got it. Better head back out for the performance.

Stage - Outro

For my first trick tonight, I shall perform an age old classic of pulling a rabbit out of a hat!

Come on Alexander, time for you to meet our new friends.

Voila! Here he is!


The next and final step is to combine these into a video showcasing the level.

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