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Design Test Idea Development

After brainstorming a few ideas based of my research into the franchise, I decided on the idea of a pyramid, seeing as Egypt hadn't been touched by the franchise and was a good area for exploration into the treasure hunting scene there.

My ideas developed as follows


Progress through a pyramid setting to get to treasure

Gain a key to unlock setting further into story – have to discover this item, Pharaoh would not have wanted his tomb to be easy to raid. Good setting that has not been used in the franchise before, but could take inspiration from previous tomb levels such as Avery’s Descent in Uncharted 4.

Use pick to climb down deeper into the tomb

Will implement as a mechanic into the level design.

Use rope to swing across floor traps

Will implement as a mechanic into the level design.

Stealth around mummies

On further research into the franchise, supernatural does not feel massively fitting and feels a little farfetched. Also feels too similar to the level Avery’s Descent in Uncharted 4 where mummies explode to kill Drake and stop his progression.

Defend against snakes

Shoreline employees feel more fitting; defending against animals feels slightly more Tomb Raider than Uncharted.


Having explored some ideas I will go on to develop some basic blockouts in Sketch Up to visualise my section of a level.

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