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Design Test Level Walkthrough

Backstory: Drake enters a Pyramid to retrieve a key to unlock the secrets of the Pharaoh’s Temple. Competing with Shoreline for the treasure, Drake races against them with the help of Sully and Elena, who are dealing with Shoreline soldiers outside the tomb; however, some have already arrived and have gotten a head start.

(Red areas are to indicate what Drake should interact with/jump to/traverse to. Dark Grey is to indicate a rock pick climb area)

Section 1: Entrance

Drake drops down a level using his pick to break into the rock - avoiding falling into the spike pit he shimmies across the ledge and jumps onto a broken pillar. Having been disrupted by himself and the work of Shoreline, it begins to dislodge and fall towards to spikes, he then has to jump onto the next pillar, which similarly begins to fall, forcing Drake to use his rope to swing onto the ledge.

Section 2: Descent

Landing on the ledge, a fall to death lies below, along with a group of Shoreline thugs. Drake can shimmy across the ledge to make up the distance to jump across to the ledge, however it is just out of reach but he can recover using his pick to anchor himself into the rock. Drake can then jump around ledges on the pillar to descend down to the ground, finally using the pick to drop to the ground level.

Hidden Collectable Location - Small Wooden Pharaoh Statue

Section 3: Combat/Stealth

Drake can see the Shoreline thugs, and has the option to enter stealth mode either to sneak past the Shoreline thugs, or to pick them off one by one before being able to enter the drilled hole they have managed to excavate prior to his arrival.

Section 4: Treasure

Having exited the crawl hole, he has arrived and found the location of the key to be able to use to unlock the Pharaoh’s Temple.

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