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Level Analysis - Year 1 Lego Harry Potter

As research I decided to analyse the first 5 levels of the game.


Year 1 – Level 1 – The Magic Begins

Characters Used: Harry (Blue Shirt), Hagrid, Griphook


  • Open the Door

  • Unblock Path

  • Unlock Access to Vault

  • Unlock Vault

Wingardium Leviosa to move section up, Harry climbs up and on to another ledge. Collect handle. Put handle in door and use Wingardium Leviosa to open the door.

Hagrid can fix bricks into a springboard for Harry to purple stud. Examine spider web to grab potion, place it in cauldron at bottom of street. Grab ice cream from vending cart and flowers from table. Cauldron will explode unblocking path.

In bank, use Wingardium Leviosa to turn on 8 bulbs and unlock a purple stud. Interact with banker behind gate. Assume control of Banker. Interact with key ole and open gate. Use Hagrid to pull the lever, and the Banker to open the vault. Use Hagrid to assemble the bricks to form a painting and wave at it. Step inside.

As Banker, turn the lever to open the door. As Hagrid, use Wingardium Leviosa to assemble blocks to form a table. Harry can ride on the table to collect studs. Use Hagrid to pull a lever to remove the Guardian Dragon. As banker, open the vault.

House Crests:

  • Gryffindor – In 1, blast two tables to create portraits.

  • Slytherin – In 2, interact with shopkeeper

  • Hufflepuff – In 2, create a street sweeping machine, and clean up the debris after the explosion

  • Ravenclaw – In 3, blast the lock with Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) and have Hagrid pull a handle.

Student in Peril:

In 2, jump onto a table, and use Wingardium Leviosa to lift the table into the air. Character can hope onto the awning and interact with the Student in Peril.


  • Mr Ollivander - In 3, after unlocking the door, find a treasure chest to the left and unlock with Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4)

  • Tom the Inkeeper - In 3, after unlocking the door, find a treasure chest to the right and unlock with Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4)

  • Griphook – In 4, find a treasure chest to the right and unlock with Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) 

Year 1 – Level 2 – Out of the Dungeon

Characters Used: Harry (Hogwarts) & Ron (Hogwarts)


  • Unblock Path

  • Unblock Path

  • Unlock Access to Bathroom

  • Boss Battle

In hallway, see troll in chamber ahead. Troll hits wall and blocks way. Make Ron use Scabbers to run through the pipes and press a switch which stops acid spilling into the hallway. Walk past acid and into larger room. Troll will hit wall again and bring a wrecking ball down.

Use magic to bring two blocks from a shelf down which will create a stair case for the players to jump onto the shelf from. Walk around until a torch is reached. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move it over to a suit of armour. This will trigger a mini scene leaving some bricks that can be turned into a trident. Give the trident to the mermaid statue who will use the trident to move the ball.

After moving past the ball, the door is male character access only. Build the nearest pile of bricks and hit this into the orange framed painting, and then hit again, and it will cast a spell and turn the player into a female version (hair). They can now access the bathroom.

In the Bathroom is the troll. He hammers the ground with his club, sending a wave that knocks the player back. To defeat the troll, wait for him to throw objects at the players and use Wingardium Leviosa to throw it back at him. Repeat this and then he will enter a stunned state. Use Wingardium Leviosa on his club and hit him with it, he will be defeated.

House Crests:

  • Gryffindor – In 1,2 & 3 hit 9 flower vases.

  • Slytherin – In 2 use Wingardium Leviosa to put 3 pieces of a fish back together in the fountain.

  • Hufflepuff – In 2 use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) to destroy the fountain

  • Ravenclaw – In 1,2 & 3 activate 7 bulbs

Student in Peril:

Open one of the bathroom stalls in puzzle section 4.


  • Ron (Girl Disguise) – In section 1 use Hermione (in freeplay) to solve a light puzzle.

  • Harry (Hogwarts) – In section 3 use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a desk with a lock on.

  • Madam Malkin – In section 4 use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a rubbish bag, and then with normal attack. A springboard will appear, bounce on this to hit the token.

Year 1 – Level 3 – A Jinxed Broom

Characters Used: Ron (Hogwarts) & Hermione (Hogwarts)


  • Build Puzzle

  • Flying Mechanic

  • Light Puzzle Pattern

  • Unblock Path

  • Build Puzzle

Descend down a set of steps. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move blocks out of the way and stack them. Pass through and continue travelling to the right.

Use the broom to fly across a gap. Climb a ladder and collect a blue stud. Reconstruct the tubing for Scabbers, and then use him to escape the tubing at the top and push some bricks off. Use Wingardium Leviosa to reassemble the pieces to build a staircase.

Continue, use Hermione to complete a light pattern QTE and make another staircase using Wingardium Leviosa.

Prefect at top will block path. Retreat slightly and hit a shutter to reveal a painting, hit it again to open a trap door under the prefect.

Climb a ladder. To the right there will be a puzzle Hermione can solve, to bring some pieces out. To the left there will be another pile of bricks assemble these into another staircase. Continue to right to complete level.

House Crests:

  • Gryffindor – In 1 &3, use Wingardium Leviosa to raise 5 red and beige flags.

  • Slytherin – In 3, after building the staircase jump towards the screen

  • Hufflepuff – In 4, use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) to destroy a black gate. Eliminate two pixies holding a treasure chest.

  • Ravenclaw – In 4, after opening the trap door head to the left and jump over a barrier onto some planks. Use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) to obtain.

Student in Peril:

In puzzle part 3, use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on some Iron gates to free the student.


  • Fred (Quidditch) – In 2, use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a locked treasure chest.

  • Harry (Girl Disguise) – In 3, use Scabbers to go under a platform and it is hidden behind a post.

  • Marcus Flint – In 5, after completing all the tasks head left and use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) to open a crate.

Year 1 – Level 4 – The Restricted Section

Characters Used: Harry (Pyjamas) & Ron (Pyjamas)

  • Create Path

  • Unblock Path

  • Follow Character/Unblock Path

  • Retrieve Object

Unlock Invisibility Cloak. Whilst invisible, Harry can go near the bouncing red books and then eliminate them. They won’t damage you whilst invisible. One player can create a ledge for a witch statue to hold, and can hold one using Wingardium Leviosa so the other can jump up onto a ledge.

Interact with a portrait which will affect a torch, causing it to melt a block of ice by a doorway. In the doorway, the player can grab an object. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move the cauldron in front of the door and put the first ingredient in. Head back up and interact with a witch on the right who will give you a bouquet of yellow flowers. Put these in the cauldron. Head back up again and attack a wooden shelf. Red Spider will appear and can be put in the cauldron. It will explode opening the door to the next room.

Dumbledore will walk into another room, player should try to follow. Activate Invisibility Cloak. Head to doors Dumbledore went through whilst avoiding Filch with his lantern. He will be able to tell if player gets to close. Blast a green object and get a part of a pipe. Use Wingardium Leviosa to assemble the gate. Pass through and get the green key, and unlock the door whilst avoiding Filch.

Use Scabbers to climb up some tubing and knock some bricks down. Use magic to send it flying to the door making it swing open. Enter the other area. Use Lumos to remove vines and two bats will appear. Hit the bats and it will unveil the Mirror of Erised. Walk up to the mirror. House Crests:

  • Gryffindor – In 1, use Hermione to complete a light puzzle.

  • Slytherin – In 2, destroy a spider web with Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5).

  • Hufflepuff – Throughout, hit 6 vases.

  • Ravenclaw – In 3, hit 3 spider webs.

Student in Peril:

In 2, lift a book from the floor using Wingardium Leviosa to reveal a pile of bricks. Assemble these bricks into a clock and hit it. It will eject the student.


  • Harry (Pyjamas) – In 1, destroy a circular tube

  • Filch – In 2, use Griphook to open a safe

  • Neville (Pyjamas) – In 4, use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) to open a box to the right of the Mirror.

Year 1 – Level 5 – The Forbidden Forest

Characters Used: Fang, Hermione (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts), Hagrid


  • Create Path

  • Unblock Path

  • Build Puzzle

  • Create Path

  • Create Path

Begin as Fang. Fang can kill wasps that spawn from nests. Humans can destroy the nest. Fang should dig at mounds of dirt. Use Wingardium Leviosa to assemble bricks to create a cloud to water the tree. The tree will drop a ladder. Use Lumos to get rid of vines.

Eliminate the wasps at the top of the ladder. Paw Prints will hover in the air as a hint to use Fang. Fang will dig a tunnel under the tree. Eliminate a wasp nest and clear vines using Lumos. Head through the opening caused by the vines.

Assemble a staircase out of bricks using Wingardium Leviosa. Fang will need to dig up one of the pieces. Destroy another wasp nest.

Head into the stream of water. Using Fang, dig at the dirt until it caves in. The water will drain from the area. Use Lumos to get rid of the vines, and use Hagrid to pull a lever that then becomes available. A ledge will appear. Continue over to the right using the ledge and around a base of a tree.

Destroy the insects that appear and use magic to build a tree. Use magic again to turn the branches so the player can climb up into the opening. House Crests:

  • Gryffindor – Throughout, hit 3 flowers

  • Slytherin – Throughout, use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) to remove 10 black rocks.

  • Hufflepuff – In 4, after the water is drained, 6 fish will appear, carry them to a small pool of water.

  • Ravenclaw – In 4, after the water is drained, use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a box with a lock on.

Student in Peril:

After destroying the wasp nest in 1, head to the right who can be rescued by attacking the green ledge. Characters:

  • Fang – In 1, use Fang to dig up a mound of dirt.

  • Hagrid – In 1, after getting rid of the vines, follow the boulders and use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a box with a lock on.

  • Draco (Hogwarts) – In 4, Fang can dig up a brick. 2 more are hanging from webs. Knock them down and climb up the ledge to find a black boulder. Use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) to destroy it.

Year 1 – Level 6 – The Face of the Enemy

Characters Used: Harry (Sweater), Ron (Cardigan) & Hermione (Blue Top)


  • Distract Enemy

  • Clear Path

  • Retrieve Object

  • Chess Puzzle

  • Boss Battle

Go to the painting with the bathtub. Hit it and a rubber duck will fall out. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move it to Fluffy. He will grab it and go to the corner to play with it. Use blocks he was sitting on to assemble a harp. This will lull Fluffy back to sleep and the players can drop through the hatch.

Use Lumos on the plants that surround the characters when they fall down. Eliminate the all the vines and a hole will appear to the right hand side, fall down this. Carry on to the right eliminating more vines until a circular room is reached.

Got to catch the flying key. On the back wall is a bucket, use Wingardium Leviosa to place the bucket on the statue head, it will produce a broomstick. Ride on the broomstick and shoot at the flying keys until they drop the key. Use Wingardium Leviosa to use the key to unlock the door.

Player will arrive on a chess set. Hop onto the black horse, wait for the scene to end and do the same on the black castle. This will unlock the door allowing the players to proceed.

Boss Battle. Will create flames to form a wall preventing players from getting too close. Dodge the fireballs he shoots at the players and wait from him to to send a flating green head which the player can send back at him. Jump over to him and hit him. He’ll send the player back over and create another gap with flames. Repeat 2 more times to kill him.

House Crests:

  • Gryffindor – In 2, use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a box with a lock on.

  • Slytherin – In 3, whilst on the broomstick hop onto a ledge, blast all the keys in the air.

  • Hufflepuff – In 4, use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a box, will cause a horse appear. Ride around and let it buck you off.

  • Ravenclaw – In 4, head to the lower right and use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) to destroy it.

Student in Peril:

In 3, whilst on the broomstick hop onto a ledge on the right, use Lumos to destroy the vines ensnaring the student.


  • Harry (Slytherin Disguise) – In 3, head to the right-hand side of the room. Use Reducto (unlocked later in the game in Year 4) on a box with a lock on.

  • Professor Quirrell (Voldemort) - In 4, use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) on the black fallen chest piece.

  • Ron (Cardigan) – In 4, use Dark Magic (unlocked by unlocking a Dark Magic character, first being available in Year 2 Level 5) on the black fallen chest piece at the other end of the board.


IGN. (2012). Unlockables - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). Walkthrough - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). The Magic Begins – Part 1 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). The Magic Begins – Part 2 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). Out of the Dungeon – Part 1 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). Out of the Dungeon – Part 2 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). A Jinxed Broom – Part 1 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). A Jinxed Broom – Part 2 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). The Restricted Section – Part 1 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). The Restricted Section – Part 2 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). The Forbidden Forest – Part 1 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). The Forbidden Forest – Part 2 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: The_Forbidden_Forest_-_Part_2 [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). Face of the Enemy – Part 1 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

IGN. (2012). Face of the Enemy – Part 2 - LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide - IGN. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

packattack04082 (2013). LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 Walkthrough Part 1 - Year 1 - 'The Magic Begins & Out of the Dungeon'. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

packattack04082 (2013). LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 Walkthrough Part 2 - Year 1 - 'A Jinxed Broom & The Restricted Section'. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

packattack04082 (2013). LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 Walkthrough Part 3 - Year 1 - 'The Forbidden Forest & Face of the Enemy'. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2017].

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