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Level Development Section 1

The first full development of the first section.


Hogwarts Express. Play as Albus and Rose. The two arrive on the Express, Albus carries their bags, toppling over with the amount for Rose. They try to reach another carriage but the door is locked. The camera focuses in on a key hole.

Find the key. To retrieve the key, Players should head to the fourth compartment and see a tube for which a small animal can climb through. Albus can use his pet Ferret to climb up through the tube which needs repairing. Destroy a case with a frog in in the third compartment and use Wingardium Leviosa to bring it back and repair the tubing. Once the Ferret has reached the top of the tubing he can knock off a suitcase which will fall and break into bricks which can be turned into a ladder. This can be carried through to the second compartment and placed down to allow the player to get a suitcase on the shelf. This will give the player the key, which can be placed in the lock next to the fourth compartment.

Character Token 1 – Rose – In the first compartment there is a Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes Box, open this and it will unlock Rose as a playable character in Free Play.

Ravenclaw Crest – Light up 8 bulbs, 2 in each compartment

Slytherin Crest – Using a character that has the Parseltongue ability, in the third compartment use it on a basket with a snake.

Character in Peril: Save a student being bullied by a group of Slytherins, use Rose’s Stupefy ability to stun the group, allowing the student to escape.

They run off to find a compartment to sit in. They choose the emptiest one, which Scorpius is sat in. Scorpius shyly offers Albus and Rose a sweet, and Rose storms off, Scorpius saying that he’s Malfoy’s son. They sit start chatting and giggling, Scorpius eating a treat that makes his head grow, whilst Albus has one the makes it shrink as the train goes towards Hogwarts.

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