Level Development Section 3
The first full development of the third section.

Back on the Platform of 9 ¾s, a year later. Albus argues with his Dad and storms onto the train. Malfoy approaches Harry and they argue about dispelling rumors of Scorpius' parentage. Albus storms off gloomily with Scorpius onto the train. They arrive at Hogwarts, and it cuts to the Potions Classroom where Professor Slughorn is about to take class.
Find the ingredients to make the potion liquid luck. Must collect an egg which is guarded by a dragon, a Vine which can be grown in the water tank and a bulb which is under the Mandrake.
To collect the egg the player must move the dragon sat on the left-hand table, who will start to hiss smoke if the player gets too close, the player should head up the right hand set of stairs, that need repairing. A pile of bricks will be lying to the side. Assemble these using Wingardium Leviosa. Open the silver chest using Reducto, and a sequence will occur as the Dragon’s ears perk up, and he flies off to investigate the treasure. The Players can then head back down and open up another chest next to the egg which is smoking to reveal a pair of gloves. One player can put these on and pick up the egg and take it to the cauldron.
To collect the Vine, the player must retrieve the small plant on the shelf by the right hand set of stairs. They can then put this into the water tank on the central table. Once they have done this they can use the spell Aguamenti to fill the tank and a sequence will occur showing the vine growing. A chunk will fall off that the player can collect and take over to the cauldron.
To collect the bulb, the Players must head up the left hand set of stairs to the painting which is snoring, this will begin a sequence that shows the Player the painting on the other side, sitting grumpily with ear muffs on. Scorpius has a spell for Episkey, which he can use to make the painting stop snoring. Another sequence will occur and the painting will rejoice and throw the earmuffs out onto the floor. The Players can then go and put these on and put the Mandrake in a pot. They can then retrieve the bulb and put this in the cauldron.
Character Token 3 – Albus – Use a strong character such as Hagrid to pull a chain on the back wall behind the cauldron to pull out the character token.
Ravenclaw Crest – Use a magic attack on 4 suits of armor to make them stand up straight.