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Finalised Full Level Write Up

Playable Characters:

Albus – Jump, Attack, Wingardium Leviosa, Ferret

Rose – Jump, Attack, Wingardium Leviosa, Stupefy

Scorpius - Jump, Attack, Wingardium Leviosa, Episkey

Opening Cut-Scene:

Begins in Kings Cross station, Albus and James race their trollies through the station surrounded by business men and women, looking completely out of place. James teases Albus about potentially being in Slytherin, pulling a snake out of his bag and pointing at Albus. Ginny runs flustered after them, as Harry walks casually with Lily on his shoulder behind them. James points at the ‘portal’ to Platform 9 ¾s and Albus runs to it, the trolley colliding and making him spill his bags to the floor, Harry and Lily stifle a laugh. His ferret escapes and Ginny goes chasing after it. She returns with it, and they all run onto Platform 9 ¾s.

The Hogwarts Express comes into view, Hermione and Ron walk over with Rose waving. Lily runs up to Ron who picks her up, and uses a Weasley's Wizarding Wheeze to make his breath stink, producing a cloud of green smoke and Lily’s face turns green and then steals her nose. Harry takes Albus to one side and pats him on the shoulder smiling, pulls out a pennant style flags for both Slytherin and Gryffindor and smiles throwing them away and hugging Albus. Albus, James and Rose get on the Hogwarts Express and Lily chases it out of the station.

Gameplay Section One:

Hogwarts Express. Play as Albus and Rose. The two arrive on the Express, Albus carries their bags, toppling over with the amount for Rose. They try to reach another carriage but the door is locked. The camera focuses in on a key hole.

Find the key. To retrieve the key, Players should head to the fourth compartment and see a tube for which a small animal can climb through. Albus can use his pet Ferret to climb up through the tube which needs repairing. Destroy a case with a frog in in the first compartment and use Wingardium Leviosa to bring it back and repair the tubing. Once the Ferret has reached the top of the tubing he can knock off a suitcase which will fall and break into bricks which can be turned into a ladder. This can be carried through to the second compartment and placed down to allow the player to get a suitcase on the shelf. This will give the player the key, which can be placed in the lock next to the fourth compartment.

Character Token 1 – Rose – In the first compartment there is a Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes Box, open this and it will unlock Rose as a playable character in Free Play.

Ravenclaw Crest – Light up 8 bulbs, 2 in each compartment

Slytherin Crest – Using a character that has the Parseltongue ability, in the third compartment use it on a basket with a snake.

Character in Peril: Save a student being bullied by a group of Slytherins, smash the train window, use Rose’s Stupefy ability to stun the group, one of the group members causing the rest to run out and open the door, allowing the student to escape.

They run off to find a compartment to sit in. They choose the emptiest one, which Scorpius is sat in. Scorpius shyly offers Albus and Rose a sweet, and Rose storms off, Scorpius saying that he’s Malfoy’s son. They sit start chatting and giggling, Scorpius eating a treat that makes his head grow, whilst Albus has one the makes it shrink as the train goes towards Hogwarts.

Gameplay Section Two:

In Great Hall, people mill around and talk to Albus. Some of them wear Harry style glasses and others have scars drawn on their heads, obviously Potter fans. Albus tries to escape as The Sorting Hat appears. He hops onto Rose’s head and sorts her into Gryffindor.

Quidditch Game. Fly around on broomstick and use the attack button to spin the broom and hit the Quaffle. The other team can steal the Quaffle and try to score. Avoid being hit by a Bludger, it will make player lose a life. Can also redirect the Bludgers. Win the game by getting 50 points (5 goals) 3 goals, one in each hoop. The goals change colour when scored in to show the player which has been used up.

Red Brick: Catch the Golden Snitch – Unlocks Felix Felicis in shop Must use Harry Potter (Quidditch Uniform) to complete this. It will only appear after the second goal.

Hufflepuff Crest – To unlock, a character with the Diffindo spell can cast this and use it to cut out a H shape, revealing a crevice in which the Crest hides.

Character Token 2 – Scorpius – use Dark Magic on a box the ball box to make it explode, revealing Scorpius’ character token.

The crowd boos as Slytherin wins, as Albus storms off in a sulk, Scorpius runs after him.

Gameplay Section Three:

Back on the Platform of 9 ¾s, a year later. Albus argues with his Dad who pauses to sign an autograph and take a picture, Albus uses Engorgio Skullus to make his head large, complaining that his has to fill his Dad’s reputation and storms onto the train. Harry topples over his face sad. Malfoy approaches Harry and calmly fixes his head for him, and they argue about dispelling rumors of Scorpius' parentage. They arrive at Hogwarts, and it cuts to the Potions Classroom where Professor Slughorn is about to take class.

Find the ingredients to make the potion liquid luck. Must collect an egg which is guarded by a dragon, a Vine which can be grown in the water tank and a bulb which is under the Mandrake.

To collect the egg the player must move the dragon sat on the left-hand table, who will start to hiss smoke if the player gets too close, the player should head up the right hand set of stairs, that need repairing. A pile of bricks will be lying to the side. Assemble these using Wingardium Leviosa. Open the silver chest using Reducto, and a sequence will occur as the Dragon’s ears perk up, and he flies off to investigate the treasure. The Players can then head back down and open up another chest next to the egg which is smoking to reveal a pair of gloves. One player can put these on and pick up the egg and take it to the cauldron.

To collect the Vine, the player must retrieve the small plant on the shelf by the right hand set of stairs. They can then put this into the water tank on the central table. Once they have done this they can use the spell Aguamenti to fill the tank and a sequence will occur showing the vine growing. A chunk will fall off that the player can collect and take over to the cauldron.

To collect the bulb, the Players must head up the left hand set of stairs to the painting which is snoring, this will begin a sequence that shows the Player the painting on the other side, sitting grumpily with ear muffs on. Scorpius has a spell for Episkey, which he can use to make the painting stop snoring. Another sequence will occur and the painting will rejoice and throw the earmuffs out onto the floor. The Players can then go and put these on and put the Mandrake in a pot. They can then retrieve the bulb and put this in the cauldron.

Character Token 3 – Albus – Use a strong character such as Hagrid to pull a chain on the back wall behind the cauldron to pull out the character token.

Ravenclaw Crest – Use a magic attack on 4 suits of armor to make them stand up straight.

Closing Cut-Scene:

After the potions class a cut-scene occurs with Harry and Hermione in The Ministry of Magic. Hermione walks in as Harry is asleep on a pile of paperwork. Hermione coughs to get Harry’s attention but he continues to snore, so Hermione uses Wingardium Leviosa to make a book to fly off the shelf and land on Harry’s head waking him up. Hermione pulls out a newspaper with an article featuring a time turner being found, and asks Harry about it. He pulls it out from under his desk, much to Hermione’s shock. She takes it off Harry, gesturing for him to keep quiet about it.

Cut to the Potter home, where Amos Diggory has just entered and is sat with Harry at a dining room table, visibly irate. He pulls out the article of the time turner and a picture of Cedric, gesturing wildly. Harry sadly shakes his head, gesturing that the time turner doesn’t exist. In the background, we see Albus sneaking downstairs, he accidentally tumbles down, and lands at the bottom, his hair tousseled. He shakes it off and appears behind a wall, and then a few seconds later behind another, sneaking closer every few seconds until Delphi appears behind him and makes him jump. Delphi goes up to Amos and they leave the Potter house, as Albus picks up Amos’ article about the time turner.


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