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Pages 5 & 6 of GDD: Squeegee

Game Experience

Overall Game Experience

The game is designed to be a fun game that players can pick up and put down during things like commutes or to entertain kids in restaurants.

Main Menu

The first time the player opens the game the opening cut-scene described below will play. If the player leaves the game in idle mode on the menu it will play. The Menu will look as shown below, including a Play, PlayLink, Settings and Exit. Play will start the Single Player Campaign Mode, PlayLink will bring up the PlayLink Connections, Exit will close the app. Settings will have options to: change the language, connect to either Game Center or Play Games, change the volume, change the SFX volume, and turn on or off Micro-transactions.

Level Map

The game will have an overarching map in a similar style to most app level based games. It will follow a trail through the city map, allowing the player to select the level to travel to. The player will be able to draw on the screen to drive their Cleaning Van to the desired level.


Opening cut-scene shows the player’s character in an office, bored and looking out of the window. Their boss walks in and sees them daydreaming and fires them. Their boss leaves and they start packing up their stuff, they stand with their box in front of the window and see on another skyscraper a window cleaner and a lightbulb appears above their head. The logo then cuts in with the main menu. This is used to establish the game’s setting, locations and backstory to the player.

Before the first level in each zone a short cinematic will play showing them the zone they have just unlocked, and the competitor with their crew.

Music & Sound

The sound for the main menu will be: - Expected in Time. This will play in the background of the main menu and the overarching map. The aim is to promote a light-hearted and fun feel to the game. Each zone has it own music:

Zone 1: - - On Eggshells

Zone 2: - - Hopeful Beginnings

Zone 3: - - Craziness

Zone 4: - - Guilty Pleasure

Zone 5: - - Frog on A Rope

Zone 6: - - Expected in Time

Button Press: - Button Press 2

Washer Fluid Spray: - Perfume Spray

Squeegee: - Squeaky Window Cleaner

Competitors: - Skyrim Mod: Grumpy Sound FX


The camera will be a 3rd person camera viewed from directly behind the player. When the player has cleaned all the windows on a row, the character will climb up the ladder to the next row and the camera will pan up automatically keeping the character centred at all times.



The Player’s ladder is their key to climbing up buildings. Using accelerometer controls they can balance their ladder against the wind and competitors trying to push you off. The character will automatically climb up the ladder when the row of windows is clean.

Cleaner Fluid

To clean a window the Player must first tap on the screen to apply some Cleaner Fluid. After it has been applied they can use their Squeegee.


After putting the Cleaner Fluid on a window, the Player can then scrub over the window to use their squeegee to get all of the dirt and fluid off and leave it sparklingly clean.

Throw Sponge

To deter your Competitors from sabotaging your work, you can throw wet sponges at them to get them to run away. To do this the Player taps on the Competitor and they will run off.



The Wind is a hazard that can affect the Player, it can blow and push your ladder to one side and ultimately knock you off. The Player can counteract this by using the accelerometer controls to balance their ladder against the wind.


The Rain can make life difficult for the Player. It can make windows look dirty so the player has to clean them again to get rid of the water marks. The Stronger Cleaner Fluid counteracts this.

Power Ups

Each mechanic and hazard has an upgrade which can make life easier for the Player. Ladders, Cleaner Fluid, Squeegee and Competitor Deterrent can all be upgraded twice.

Sturdier Ladder & Sturdiest Ladder

Makes it 2x and 4x more difficult to push the ladder over. Deterrent against Wind and Competitor Push.

Stronger Cleaner Fluid & Super Cleaner Fluid

Makes it 2x and 4x less likely to be effected by rain after use. Also makes it easier to earn a higher Reputation Rating. Deterrent against Rain.

Squeakier Squeegee & & Squeakiest Squeegee

Makes it 2x and 4x quicker to get rid of fluid and dirt. Increases amount of Money given.

Your Mates & Hired Bodyguards

Makes it 2x and 4x less likely for Competitors to appear and effect your windows. Deterrent against Competitors.

Reputation Rating

Reputation Rating is one of the two currency systems in game. It cannot be bought through micro-transactions and is earnt solely through play. This ensures that it is not and cannot be a pay to win game. Each level has the potential for the Player to earn 3 Stars. These stars are used to unlock the different zones. Each zone has the potential to earn 15 stars. The Reputation Rating Stars needed to unlock each level are listed below:

  • Zone 1: Outer Suburbs – First Zone, already unlocked

  • Zone 2: Retail Park – 3 stars / potential 6

  • Zone 3: Inner Suburbs - 6 stars / potential 9

  • Zone 4: The High Street - 9 stars / potential 12

  • Zone 5: High Rise District - 12 stars / potential 15

  • Zone 6: Central Business District - 15 stars / potential 18


Money is earnt by cleaning windows, characters will tip the player for cleaning their windows and these will appear outside the windows and be added to a counter automatically. This Money can be used to buy the Power-Ups listed above. Characters will typically drop either £5 or £10 (or $s) with more being dropped as the game progresses. With tier 1 upgrades will be around £100 and tier 2 for £300. It can be bought however as micro-transactions, but by the end of the game the Player should have been easily able to unlock them all without micro-transactions.

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