Sketchup Designs for the Magic Show
Before creating a grey box level in Unreal, I decided to create a design in Sketchup to easily see the logistics of the level I wanted to...

Final Walkthrough of Sketch Up Level
Following is the walkthrough screenshots of my Sketch Up recreation of the level The Clockwork Mansion from Dishonored 2....

Sketchup Level Plan
So that I could accurately replicate a walkthrough of the level, I decided to watch a video play through from YOGSCAST Hannah, and...

Sketchup Base Level Creation
After researching into the level, I managed to source a top down view of the map of the level from the game and used this to create the...
Level Research: The Clockwork Mansion - Dishonored 2
To allow for accurate position enemies and other interactive objects in the Sketchup plan, I decided to research into the level design,...

Google Sketch Up
First brief for the Module XB2001: Game Development. Aim to recreate a level from a game using Google Sketch Up. By analysing the level...