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Sketchup Level Plan

So that I could accurately replicate a walkthrough of the level, I decided to watch a video play through from YOGSCAST Hannah, and analyse the level and routes she took. Whilst watching the play through, I sketched on a printed out map the routes and items in each room, and translated this to a digital copy to work from for creating the final level. Below is a typed version of the notes I made of the route Hannah took.


1. Enter introductory room, gather food and Addermire Solution

2. Enter Lower Atrium, pull lever - switch layout.

3 - 4. Walk up new stairs, observe dormant clockwork soldier and meet Jindosh at the locked door.

5. Pick up tools and activate lever.

6. Jump in between the switching layouts to access the station to rewire the wall of light trap to the left of the locked door.

7. Exit the room and back up to the Atrium.

8. Sneak around Clockwork Soldiers and allow them to chase you through the rewired wall of light, killing the soldiers.

9. Enter Jindosh's private bathroom, activate the lever and jump onto the mechanism as it switches, allowing you to enter the previously inaccessible room.

10. Pick up the weapons and head into the Laboratory.

11. Sneak into the lift, avoiding the sight of Jindosh or his Soldiers.

12. Rewire the wall of light, luring the guard into it to destroy them, then make your way round the corridor to the Lever, disposing of any guards on your way.

13. Head into the maze to find Sokolov, activating the pressure plates as you go to remove/add walls, avoiding the Clockwork Soldier as you go.

14. Retrieve Sokolov, the painting collectable and head back to the lift.

15. Head back up to the upper layer of the Laboratory, taking the Clockwork Soldiers out with Spring Razor traps, and use a sleep bolt to render Jindosh unconscious. Or, for the Lethal option assassinate Jindosh on sight.

16. Take Jindosh into the lift with Sokolov.

17. Place Jindosh in the Electroshock chair in the centre of the Laboratory, and complete the power balance puzzle by turning off certain systems to allow power to activate the chair. Complete the Non Lethal option.

18. Head back across the bridge with Sokolov and exit the Atrium.

19. Exit through the entrance you came through at the start.

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