Final Walkthrough of Sketch Up Level
Following is the walkthrough screenshots of my Sketch Up recreation of the level The Clockwork Mansion from Dishonored 2....

Sketchup Level Plan
So that I could accurately replicate a walkthrough of the level, I decided to watch a video play through from YOGSCAST Hannah, and...

Sketchup Base Level Creation
After researching into the level, I managed to source a top down view of the map of the level from the game and used this to create the...
Level Research: The Clockwork Mansion - Dishonored 2
To allow for accurate position enemies and other interactive objects in the Sketchup plan, I decided to research into the level design,...

Google Sketch Up
First brief for the Module XB2001: Game Development. Aim to recreate a level from a game using Google Sketch Up. By analysing the level...