Interactive Portfolio Layout Development
I have progressed onto developing designs for the layout of the presentations. Design One: The portfolio would be presented on the same...

Interactive Portfolio Presentation
The third brief for the module XB2000 is to create an interactive presentation that can be used as an offline portfolio to display work....

House of Card Designs
My final designs have been based on 3 types of images and 3 of the words from the list given on the brief. The first is based on the word...

House of Cards Photographs
Having completed my research, I began to take photos around Preston and collect some photographs I had previously taken of the city to...

House of Cards Design Brief
For the module XB2000, the second brief was to design a set of cards based on the topic of Preston, where our university is based. We...

Design Test Level Walkthrough
Backstory: Drake enters a Pyramid to retrieve a key to unlock the secrets of the Pharaoh’s Temple. Competing with Shoreline for the...

Design Test Idea Development
After brainstorming a few ideas based of my research into the franchise, I decided on the idea of a pyramid, seeing as Egypt hadn't been...

Design Test Brief: Uncharted Franchise
For the second brief of XB2001 we were asked to complete a 4 hour design challenge that Naughty Dog had used for their employees. In as...

Logo Design Final
My final design I decided to try and incorporate more of what I want to do into my design, environment art or 3D modelling. I felt a...

Final Walkthrough of Sketch Up Level
Following is the walkthrough screenshots of my Sketch Up recreation of the level The Clockwork Mansion from Dishonored 2....